princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
Oh that's cool, I want to get into more intricate cosplay, but I make my own and I'm not as comfortable making military-esc outfits. (Ironically since I do mostly Hetalia cosplay.)
Upcoming con plans?

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
commented on
Upcoming con plans?
daggerfella93 @daggerfella93

There is this new convention in my area called Isshocon, it's run by a Detroit store and they've had successes with their prior year. And with the local Youmacon being an utter dumpster fire I plan on going. If not in cosplay I'll just go as is. I really want to go as Char Anzable. After watching Gundam the Origin and the OG 0079 compilation movies, I gotta say he's one of my favorite characters in anime

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93 Eh I don't mind, the Other year I did Travis Bickle and boy did that turn some heads. Might post it in the forums some time

princess_snow @princess_snow nice, I tend to like cosplay I can thrift for since while I can sew and customize, my sewing machine doesn't always give me good seams.

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
sounds fun, hope you get good pictures
Upcoming con plans?

sakurakiss @sakurakiss
commented on
Upcoming con plans?
sakurakiss @sakurakiss
I'm hoping to attend Animate! Raleigh in January. I've never been and heard good things.

sakurakiss @sakurakiss I'll try to post some maybe.

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
Nice, I'll be there as well, been going for over a decade
Upcoming con plans?

Stratosferum @kawailee
commented on
Upcoming con plans?
Stratosferum @kawailee
Sakuracon in April 2025! Wooooo!!! Need to plan since its during my semester!

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
nice, sounds like fun
Upcoming con plans?

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
commented on
Upcoming con plans?
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie

At Ocala Comic Con. Here to see several One Piece actors. Rocking my Sanji Cosplay again.

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
I don't think I could even pretend it's that.
Strange or Interesting habits you have

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Strange or Interesting habits you have
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Tell them it's a Tribute to the greatest song in the world.
The one with the lyrics that go, "Once every hundred-thousand years or so when the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow and the grass it doth grow-ho!"

Gabriel @gabriel_true It's not pretending if it was always true to you and your dog, Blue!

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
it's actually worse to give them dry food since it dehydrates them. Crunchy food doesn't clean their teeth. If you're worried about their dental health there's actual toothpaste for them, but most cats don't need that.
Random thoughts...

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Random thoughts...
yaasshat @yaasshat
Got a cat bird that won't shut up. Sounds like kittens in the woods.
Can trade? "CAN" trade?! Aha....
On a side note, hope you don't just give your cat wet food, it's bad for the teeth. Gotta mix it up. Cats are stupid when it comes to hydration. Not their fault, since they're obligate carnivores.

yaasshat @yaasshat Tis indeed, hence mixing it up.

princess_snow @princess_snow No, giving your cat an all wet food diet is healthier for them.

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
Ya, it's hard getting sweaters that are mostly white, but this one looked so cool.

Bye @metalarmwitch
Bye @metalarmwitch
Nice! (0o0)

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
that's fun what do you plan on cosplaying?
Upcoming con plans?

charliemander @charliemander
commented on
Upcoming con plans?
charliemander @charliemander
It's a smaller convention but I'm planning on going to Animangapop on the 4th of August, my first time going to a con and my first time cosplaying hehe

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
Those candles do look really cute.
Upcoming con plans?

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
commented on
Upcoming con plans?
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie

A bit late posting this, but Metrocon in Tampa FL was a blast. Lots of great cosplays, great Rave nights and came back with a good set of autographs for my Zelda, Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen collections. Also got some cute scented candles for my apartment while I was there. Don't have their card to tag them in this post, but may posy about them again later as they are a quality product and smell great!

princess_snow @princess_snow
princess_snow @princess_snow
small cons can be a lot of fun.
Upcoming con plans?

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
Upcoming con plans?
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
September I'm planning on attending animeverse in Pasadena TX. It's a smaller convention but that's exactly what I need after moving back to my hometown. It's a good opportunity to see old faces, as well as, some new ones to be acquainted with. Feels like I have been gone on some long journey and finally came home.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 I'm excited to attend! Will take lots of pics to post here

princess_snow @princess_snow nice, is it like a 1 day con or will it still be a few days?

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 It's three day. I believe I got the weekend pass. I am requesting a vacation for that week off so I can attend back to back

princess_snow @princess_snow nice, I normally take a couple extra days off for con recovery.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Imma need it afterwards for sure Monday and Tuesday

princess_snow @princess_snow Oh ya, I feel it for a week after sometimes.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 When I get that feeling, I just chalk it up to early arthritis in me bones

princess_snow @princess_snow ah, I have hypermobility so It's been like, my whole life.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 WD-40 helps me. Thank you WD-40! *This is in no way sponsored by WD-40 or any participating partners of WD-40*

princess_snow @princess_snow Ah, I don't know that my surgeon would like me using that on my knees.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Dang. I will send my honest review after the next time use it

princess_snow @princess_snow ya
Apr 14-16
Mar 30-Apr 1
Apr 19-21
Apr 15-17