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Kraft vas Si'yah

37 year old Male
Last online about 1 year ago
Vantaa, Finland
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Sep 12, 18 at 5:03pm
South Korea's national/representative animal seems to be a Siberian tiger. According to the web, there has been many folklore, history and arts associated with them in the past. However, I have heard that tigers were commonly found in a mountain forest region a long time ago. https://media.giphy.com/media/j2e8DVTStJJL2/giphy.gif In Canada, Beaver seems to be the national animal. There have been an expeditions sent out mainly for Beaver's pelt due to their demands for trading. These expeditions end up helping with mapping and establishing the country, Canada. Afterwards, Beaver has been used as a symbol for the code of arms, war, marking and coin(nickel). "The beaver may not be considered ferocious like some countries other symbols, but it is capable of incredible feats of engineering, it is industrious, and it gets the job done." http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2015/03/24/history-march-241975-the-beaver-canadas-national-animal-symbol/ https://media.giphy.com/media/2V04ngYdkVpnO/giphy.gif
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft A great animal to choose even if it is not ferocious. Having a symbol for something else than war/strength is in my opinion very nice to have especially for the modern times. Having a lion in here for the code of arms is maybe inspiring but also odd considering that those animals live so far away from us.
Sep 12, 18 at 12:35am
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft We do have women also as forecasters but the clothing is way more modest and/or casual. But yeah that man is a treasure to our weather predictions. Has done it for the past 27 years. Very nice person, our favorite plus at times has done something like that. ^^
Nobody @muffster left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Sep 09, 18 at 11:20am
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. @pk_zero left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Sep 07, 18 at 4:05am
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Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Thank you for such a compliment. Thank you for you too, for everything. Good luck and see/chat to you some time again.
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku His profile picture is also gone...
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Sep 06, 18 at 7:31pm
Sorry for the late reply, I have been in lack of energy lately... Anyway, how did you like those movies? Oh, right, I remember you enjoyed watching anime called Planetes as well. Glad to see you watching a space theme movie is helping you feel better. Perhaps space theme can be a healing source for you like how comedy theme is like a healing remedy to me :) I think there was another space-related anime called Uchuu Kyoudai. I don't really know about it as I've only watched just a few episodes, but I heard it's a good anime. https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/s/common/uploaded_files/1480896646-c77cafd97b3a783584d9e0b84083a0b5.gif I like Finland's traditional clothes material and design! Clothes look very warm, soft and comfortable to wear. Also, that red puffball attached to some of the hats seems unique and interesting. Do they happen to have any meaning and purpose to their design? like, are they some sort of representation or inspired by things such as animal, spirit or belief? I can also see that there seem to be lots of Reindeer(?) in that particular picture you have provided. They look so cool! I've seen some mooses around in Canada but not a reindeers (except for the holiday animation movies in regards to Christmas). I wonder if they are viewed as a sacred animal or well-known animal in Finland. Finnish outdoor sauna? https://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/Finnish+outdoor+sauna_1a6079_4915762.gif
Sep 05, 18 at 9:25pm
hahahahahahah https://wx3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d788b2gy1fuzlxqo2o1j20c90c843d.jpg
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Have not tried alcohol at all but yeah. Thats is a very good description of most finns. :)
. @pk_zero Nice bro that's pretty rare now adays.I have never smoked, tried alcohol, or did drugs myself. Even though the peer pressure was in my face growing up, I stood my ground and rejected all the offers. I believe that has alot to do why I avoid most people IRL, since where I'm from 99% of people drink but me and my few IRL friends do not participate in those things.
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku Is vodka the favourite alcohol of Finns'?
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Yeah, have not touch any of the ones you mentioned PK. Don't want to ruin my health, go down to addiction or lose control as I'm reserved irl and have some size at least so would propably cause trouble if I was drunk etc.
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Beer is the favorite for most and most iconic is the one in the picture which I think is: Karhu. Name is a bit off but might be a special version of it in the picture. Most common clear spirit drink is Koskenkorva which is like vodka so that has been quite popular too but not sure how well it sells these days.
. @pk_zero left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Sep 04, 18 at 12:37am
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Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Sep 03, 18 at 9:48am
Hi, how was your weekend and are you feeling better now? :) Does Finland have a historical/ traditional outfit? Korean's have this outfit called Hanbok, where people sometimes wear during a new years or a traditional wedding/wedding ceremony. Back in the days, they had like a different outfit for royalty, rich, scholar, governor and soldiers. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5MNU5Siu4rI/VjocCrs86lI/AAAAAAAAAtQ/gSpARKpzSFk/s1600/The%2BKing%2527s%2BFace.jpg Blue and Red outfit design were for the king and prince. The red dress is what traditional hanbok look like. Black outfit, I think it was often worn by special private guards or assassins. These were what usually guys wore. The pattern and colour on the clothes signify their wealth and position. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XULgr_v7opg/UswuiTG-NZI/AAAAAAAAE9k/Q-3OuJT6uTA/s1600/heyladyspring-SKKS02.jpg These were what the soldier wore at the time. https://i2.wp.com/hellokpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Dz7pX8Y8zJZP636574019932604154.jpg?resize=400%2C242&ssl=1 I just know them from watching way too much drama...
Sep 02, 18 at 7:46am