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meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
yeah I'm an incel, so what of it

meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
my abilitys as an e boy are lacking a certain , je ne sais quoi

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Welcome to MO!
Hope you enjoy your stay here!
(I saved your pfp, it looks cool af)
i didnt about the sad cat in the sunglasses xD
Last one to post here wins

meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
commented on
Last one to post here wins
meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
Random thoughts...

meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
commented on
Random thoughts...
meatbeatmania @meatbeatmania
online friendships don't tend to last very long, it sucks but being so far from each other makes things near impossible, guess I'll just peace out