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Mashi Mashi

27 year old Male
Last online 8 months ago
Köln, Germany
bird mama @leia left a comment for Mashi Mashi
Dec 01, 18 at 11:25am
I adore the doggo! She's just a whiney little shit. She's tired right now though because of all the adventures today. I'll post a picture of her in a sec, she's half dead. I wanted tooons of stars too ;-; I think maybe tonight might be a write off, it's been misty all day.
bird mama @leia left a comment for Mashi Mashi
Nov 30, 18 at 4:02pm
There are a fair few stars I can see tonight, I know because my CRYING RAT OF A DOG made me take her out lmao. The castle is real pretty even if it is in the distance, you can still see it pretty clearly. I guess it would be romantic but #foreveralone. ;-; I'll try to take a picture of it tomorrow night or maybe in the morning if I wake up soon enough but no promises on waking up before 10am xD
bird mama @leia left a comment for Mashi Mashi
Nov 30, 18 at 3:47pm
Here! That's the view from my bedroom window :3 If I panned slightly there's a castle too but it's kinda distant. When it's dark like it is now, they light the castle up and it's really cool. Especially when the waves splash against the rocks. ^^
bird mama @leia left a comment for Mashi Mashi
Nov 30, 18 at 3:40pm
I'm gonna stick with wholesome until proven otherwise :3 Though I wouldn't be too sure! My oven back home is PSYCHO. It cooks stuff how it wants to. 5 minutes at 190? BURNT. 30 minutes at 190? RAW. It's so annoying when you need two of the same cake or something and one turns out raw and the other burnt, AAAAA. It's not so bad, it's very dark since it's literally the middle of a couple fields. I literally can't see my hand in front of my face when I close my laptop. xD I'll take a picture of the view and upload it on your wall in the morning (if the one I took won't upload later oof) There are sheep here!
bird mama @leia left a comment for Mashi Mashi
Nov 30, 18 at 2:18pm
I cook sometimes! I'm taking lessons from my mum since she's a really good cook. And baker actually .-. I'm okay but I'm not on her level yet! We're just kind of exploring, Wales is like a home away from home for me. This house is H U G E. I kinda feel like I just won a million and bought this xD
Marcus @marcus_k left a comment for Mashi Mashi
Nov 27, 18 at 6:23am
http://66.media.tumblr.com/8c73387129bd0e6c1004cd6cbfc62443/tumblr_phwhjmCIlQ1rmk41do1_r1_500.png He's probably a beast in bed :p
Chocopyro @chocopyro left a comment for Mashi Mashi
Nov 24, 18 at 10:51am
Hello dear I saw your profile and became interested; my name is; mandy please give me your information, half your money, forty pairs of glasses, and a falcon so I could send bobs through messenger pigeon; My email address is (totallynotascambotfromkuwait@gmail) Thanks mandy.
Chocopyro @chocopyro Clearly that stuff actually works on some people, since they keep doing it. XD