lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
The old lie : "Dolce et Decorum est"
lordbear90 @lordbear90 Meaning "It is sweet to die for the Homeland." Though Wilfred Owen of 1918 did not agree.
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
Osowiec then and again
Attack of the dead, hundred men
Facing the lead once again
Hundred men
Charge again
Die again
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
I don't care what anyone says, but this version of Optimus Prime is one of my absolute favorite designs!
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
Just found out that one of my favorite coworkers died in a car crash lastnight......may she and her boyfriend rest in peace......
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
Aaaaaand now I'm 30.......
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
I'm turning 30 tomorrow.........yay..........XD
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
Can someone please explain to me wtf intp isfp and infj are seriously I'm clueless here
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
I don't care if you liked Donald J. Trump or not. The guy does NOT deserve the level of bulshittery that he gets. That is all I have to say.
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
Thinking about selling my Inuyasha costume, if anyone is interested, please ask me in a private message.
lordbear90 @lordbear90
lordbear90 @lordbear90
I now officially have two jobs as of today! I can't wait to finally start saving some MUCH need money for bills and other needs!