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Koyomi Araragi

Last online about 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ
panda @death543 left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Dec 03, 16 at 4:19am
Good ....for long I have searched for you......one of the members of the Pika Project.....I am honoured
panda @death543 left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Dec 03, 16 at 4:13am
Im good......and glad to find another member of the Project....Vampire Neko is it.....
panda @death543 left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Dec 03, 16 at 4:08am
Ritsu?...I'm sorry I don't know who that is but I'm Shadow from the Pika-Chan project .....nice to meet you
panda @death543 left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Dec 03, 16 at 3:57am
Yo Vamps.....
Sorry to hear that Loli :( I went through depression in my mid-teen years till my early twenties but when I went through therapy and got on medicine it's now gone for several years. I have a complicated past myself but it'd be way too long to post, plus it's not something I am open about. I was never suicidal or wanting to hurt others though thankfully. I was just sad that I lost my dad, my family's house and was mute pretty much for a long time. But I'm very happy-go-lucky now and days and try to help people through problems whether it be something big or little. And yeah I get what you are saying with getting along more with people who aren't super popular or big alpha ego crap. lol XD
^_^ No problem. Yeah I kinda had a feeling that's why you were asking. We did talk in the past before believe it or not but I mean we never really knew, knew each other. For the first year and a half of being on MO I was very silent pretty much. I hardly ever posted in the forums cause I was nervous about saying something to offend someone in some way. Now and days I just speak whatever is on my mind. I am very polite and very respectful of others opinions but I just am more social I guess is a better way to put it. And yeah I feel yeah. It's sad when our long time friends vanish for good. I don't know what happen to her really. I didn't really know her like you did but I mean I saw her around and she seemed cool.
I meant Homebase* One of these days these typo's won't haunt me no more X_X
Oh sure. The most recent was Bionic Gear Pichu,then before that was Diamondpocket, before that I can't remember. If you look in the now dead Tea Tango Homebased thread Shavane had me listed as the janitor which I really didn't want to be but I said jokingly I'd be the janitor! Then he put me down as that and I was like.... -___- But anyway I mention that cause the name at the bottom as the janitor was who I was at that time. There was like one or two usernames before that but my very first username was Illustration_ofsacredInk..... But honestly I doubt anyone to recall any of those. The people I knew back then are gone now like Key and Shavane and the people that was the other regulars didn't know me that well so I would expect as much. Panda is really my last friend from a very long time ago although I am still grateful for the friends I made over the last year or so....
Sherflow @sherflow left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Dec 02, 16 at 9:04pm
I dunno, it's none of my business really.
Well its possible, c: