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Koyomi Araragi

Last online about 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ
Nov 05, 16 at 9:33pm
I've sold my soul to investigations into renewable energy already so I can't make double contract...
Nov 05, 16 at 5:47pm
No hurries, we can discuss it whenever you finish. I do get impatient as well...and I hate it when they end an episode with a cliffhanger. However, following the ongoing series is kind of fun in a sense that not all answers are given, which leaves space for analysis, deductions and predictions.
Nov 05, 16 at 3:28pm
Haha I recognized that gif my fellow non-human friend. I've also seen that show. And thank you for the anime recommendations. I'll check those out once I get a chance. Ohhh Occultic Nine... there are so many subtle details in that show that I want to talk about, but, in order not to give spoilers, I need to check which episode are you on?
Nov 01, 16 at 10:02pm
I'd miss those things too ... http://s853.photobucket.com/component/Download-File?file=%2Falbums%2Fab100%2Fdarkcrow_011%2Fghostgirl_display.jpg
Oct 31, 16 at 8:45pm
Thank you. Haha you noticed I deleted my old long info and decided to simply be a little ghost? :P Happy Halloween to you too ! ༄༅༄༅༄༅༄༅༄༅
Oct 31, 16 at 2:36am
Well I guess after I become a real 'mad' scientist, i wouldn't be avoiding any type of science anymore : P But for now, I think that a technology which can in a sense realize immortality is too risky. Thank you, but I have a long way to go in either mathematics/languages or music. Actually, English is the only language that I intentionally learned as 'a foreign language'. Chinese is just my first language, and I picked up Japanese while living there when I was young. I enjoy reading too, and that's basically how I learned the English language. High five there~ I also enjoy the darker shows. Among the ones you listed, Madoka Magica, Elfen lied, Higurashi are also among my favorites. Besides those, I also enjoy psychological types or dramas like Steins;Gate, Durarara, Psycho-Pass, as well as a bunch of less well-known ones. However, sometimes I can fall for a show simply because of an interesting character.
Oct 31, 16 at 1:05am
Interesting thought experiment! However, we have to note that when we get from the scale of a ball to that of a particle, the Heisenberg uncertainly principal comes to play a huge role. The probabilistic nature of things may end up being beyond any of our sensory comprehension, and in that sense, the mathematic wavefunction is a more powerful language. Experiencing how it feels like to be a particle traveling through the space sounds really cool XD But at the same time, it will be completely different from the particles' behavior viewed from the human perspective due to relativistic effects. Haha I gotta say biology of identity and the mind is very fascinating, and I really enjoyed reading and discussing people's experiments towards understanding the nature of memory and thoughts. Considering the electrical aspect of how our brain functions, transferring ourselves to a computer or another body can be actually doable. However, it is something I would refrain from researching into. No matter how appealing it is, such a technology may cause more harm than good...
Oct 30, 16 at 5:36pm
Speaking of Tesla's work, have you seen the current show Occultic;Nine? Tesla's theory seem to play a central role in driving the storyline. https://shikimori.org/system/user_images/original/15299/2017.jpg
Oct 30, 16 at 5:20pm
I guess sometimes it’s the best to just keep your child-time interest in those areas, and not go into too much technical aspects. I was also excited about quantum mechanism and particle physics ...until I actually had a year of intensive course in it. Those endless calculations got me too tired to like it as I used to, which told me that it’s simply not really my thing. it’s a real shame that Tesla’s work got limited by his financial support. But sadly similar thing is still happening today. Having been researching in experimental groups, we know how crazily expensive experiments can get. In an extreme case, I heard a brilliant PI who does fundamental inorganic studies got pushed to write proposals about battery because it's more likely to get governmental funding. Their research is also simply for mankind, but funding is something that even mad scientist can’t escape from.
Oct 30, 16 at 1:45pm
I'm tempted to say all aspects! ...but, going deep into all is too hard for me. In fact I'm a chemist, so my research interest focuses on solid-state physics, particularly its intersection with inorganic chemistry. The study of spin and magnetism in coordination compounds, design of topological 2D MOFs and quantum-dots-based energy transfer devices would be some examples. I do find other aspects of physics fascinating, and the people you mentioned are real giants. It's a little sad for me to have to narrow down my study away from those. But I have a friend in astrophysics and I'm always happy to hear her talking about research she's doing at JPL. She also has a telescope, and once we did star-gazing in a desert park. It was so stunning that I almost want to switch my field xD Since you're interested in this area, I'm sure you've heard about the LIGO news? It's done at our school, so we got kinda hyped about it. Not too deeply. Well, for the portion that gets covered by Maxwell's E&M theory, I have studied pretty intensively. But, I always think there's more to the mystical Nikola Tesla's ideas that we haven't completely tracked down. Are you secretly trying to continue his work :P ? (If so, I'd also love to be on board!)