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Koyomi Araragi

Last online about 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ
Oct 24, 16 at 4:04am
Looks interesting. I'll be sure to check it out. :)
Oct 22, 16 at 3:47pm
That's really sad : (
Oct 22, 16 at 8:24am
The trap killed himself?
Everything u post is so damn beautiful :')
Saved for reference: http://orig00.deviantart.net/d1a9/f/2011/181/1/6/bd_rogers_sith_lightsaber_by_risiavyle-d2mbxrs.jpg
Shytaku @shy_otaku left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Oct 16, 16 at 2:58am
Ah yeah that one with the hard-to-pronounce title! Never seen it but I'm slightly interested. I'll probably stick with my moe-light-bulb-head anime tho... but we'll see. Anyways gotta go to bed. It's like 4am... goodnight!
Shytaku @shy_otaku left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Oct 16, 16 at 2:45am
OH WHAT THE HECK you're that person too?! I guess... ~ I didn't seem to undeeeeeeeeeerstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand~~~ (/♫) (it looks like Lain... it's definitely the same artist...) (your other profile avi that is...)
Shytaku @shy_otaku left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Oct 16, 16 at 2:39am
"80's"/"early 90's until I hit puberty" <--YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME?!?! (#WOMP) I kinda assumed you were around my age (not sure if it's listed in my profile but I'm 26). Let me tell ya, motivation isn't easy for anyone! In fact I sometimes selfishly blame my having no real-life friends as a reason for procrastination (aka no one there to kick my butt or tell me "YOU GOT THIS SHY DON'T GIVE UP!!!"), but I've been consciously changing it. It's still difficult and I frequently return to bad habits, but I think I've made progress. I think... "Nirvana" <--OH DO YOU LIKE PAUL ANKA'S VERSION OF SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT?!?! ("NO SHY NEVER MENTION THAT COVER EVER AGAIN!!!") (#LAUGHTRACK)... (I like Paul Anka tho! Grew up listening to him, too! I've listened to a bunch of my mom and aunt's generation of music. I guess even Peruvians couldn't resist the appeal of the American mainstream...) "dated exactly the kind of girls they warned me about" <---...FUJOSHIS?!?! (#WOMP) YOUR GRANDPARENTS WERE RIGHT THEY ARE THE DEVIL AND SHALL BE PERI--errr, I mean... I haven't dated at all (#WOMP) but... I'm getting there!!! I think... That chainmail/documentary/indie film path is rather interesting, hope all goes well! I'm currently trying to find a job (got 4 opportunities so far) so I can fund a new PC that won't crash while I'm animating and watching a youtube video at the same time... it's not that old, but it's old. Built it when I first entered college I guess (8 years ago...)
Shytaku @shy_otaku left a comment for Koyomi Araragi
Oct 16, 16 at 1:55am
WHAT'S WITH ALL THESE MESSAGES I'M RECEIVING?!?! O_O!!!!... Thank you! I don't mind out-of-the-blue comments and I definitely find yours a compliment. My hobbies are primarily anime though... well I guess I grew up a Nintendo Fanboy who watched nothing but cartoons. KidsWB, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, basically the 90s era (though I guess CN was more 2000) (for me at least). And also around the early 2000s I saw Princess Mononoke on HBO (totally random occurrence, actually) which totally changed my perspective on the typical Disney Princess formula (which I still like btw) and then I saw the american Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, basically the Toonami era AND THEN around 2006 I saw The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and while some may call the broadcast order a total gimmick... I have to admit it changed my life! I never felt like it made me an otaku... it's like it commanded it. It told me that this was the path chosen for me... TO BECOME THE GREATEST MANGAKA IN ALL OF NEW JERSEY!!! (and hopefully make anime someday~) I guess I also grew up listening to mainstream music like Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Frank Sinatra, basically everything American. And I guess some spanish music too... I GUESS WHERE I'M GETTING AT IS, as conceited as this may sound, I have no idea how I turned out this unique (#WOMP) Because honestly my interests tend to gear towards the mainstream, which everyone else likes! I will say that I've always had an obsessive/perfectionist vibe when it came to art or my writing, since I absolutely hate when entertainment wastes your time. Y'know those anime that get good after the 12th or so episode (Madoka Magica #LAUGHTRACK) and yeah... not sure what else to say other than it's been very difficult controlling my obsessive side, but it made me who I am. That and coincidentally, I'm honestly not that charismatic in "The Real" But that's what makes me interesting~ (っ^ω^c)
Oct 05, 16 at 8:37am
I'm doing great because I'm finally back on the site