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38 year old Male
Last online 2 months ago
dawson, GA
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Feb 04, 18 at 11:52am
well when you feel like you are about to have an attack look and identify 5 different things objects than 5 things of different color, than touch 4 different things and count to 10 taking a breath between each number it's supposed to ground you and help your mind calm down. wow you must have had a bad attack to have you hit a shelf i'm sorry to that happened, and it is really good and has a beautiful sad ending
Feb 03, 18 at 6:05pm
o.o o need to know this trick XD i usually pass out and hit things hit a shelf one time ruined my beautiful face .....*looks in mirror* gonna be sick .....XD had to get my face stitched up so much fun . yeah my bag has kiba on it . i might need to check out Rose of Versailles sounds gewd ^.^
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Feb 03, 18 at 3:05pm
I read about a trick you could do when you feel like an anxiety attack is about to start it's supposed to ground you and help you stay calm. I love wolf's rain lol kiba, cheza and blue are my top pick. Rose of Versailles is good it's a mixture of history/fantasy and it's by the same guy who made sailor moon it's a old anime.
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Feb 03, 18 at 1:24am
wow i'm really sorry that happens, and that's tough i'd have to say it's between wolf's rain, inuyasha, and rose of versaille how about you?
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Jan 30, 18 at 12:06am
You get panic attacks from long car rides? I'm sorry you get sick too they say deep breathing helps with that and are you claustrophobic for you to have panic attack
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Jan 28, 18 at 11:04am
I would so go there lol they have one in savannah which is freaking awesome it's kinda small but still fun
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Jan 27, 18 at 4:20pm
I'm really sorry to hear you're still sick I hope you feel better ^^ hmm well if I won the lottery I'd pay off my bills, help out my close family and friends, go back to school for my BA than open my own business, how about you?
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Jan 26, 18 at 11:43pm
I wish I did win the lottery lol, anyway I guess disappointing isn't the word more like very annoying lol, also I can only imagen the fun you had being sick :P
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Jan 25, 18 at 8:33am
That sucks I know a cold was going around pretty bad, hope you feel better. It's been ok as well a bit disappointing in some aspects but I'll live lol
kitsune90 @kitsune90 left a comment for kogaice
Jan 24, 18 at 2:22pm
Lol it's a maybe, how's your week been treating you?