Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
Other than that, what are you specifically up to other than just being you? What's a day in the life of Ju like?

juwu @jijuwu I am hustling hard every day. Every night.

Gabriel @gabriel_true But what do you do in the twilight?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
Meanwhile in Germany...

juwu @jijuwu Hellowo! What is happening in Germany?

Gabriel @gabriel_true You that's who.

juwu @jijuwu I do be happening in Germany uwu

mikuloveryasss @mikuloveryasss
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mikuloveryasss @mikuloveryasss
I just started looking for freinds

juwu @jijuwu I am your friend now :)

lunarninjaryu01 @lunarninjaryu01
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lunarninjaryu01 @lunarninjaryu01
Coco Kiryu was the best~

lunarninjaryu01 @lunarninjaryu01
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lunarninjaryu01 @lunarninjaryu01
Do you play video games? Any favorites? I had recently been nostalgic and have been listening to this great remastered version of Route 29 from Pokemon Heartgold/Silver~

lunarninjaryu01 @lunarninjaryu01
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lunarninjaryu01 @lunarninjaryu01

juwu @jijuwu PINEAPPLE

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true

On the topic of the tropic I found this Pineapple Sprite tasteful!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
You have a pineapple, I have a pen! Together we have a pineapple apple pen!

juwu @jijuwu
juwu @jijuwu
Hello I really like pineapple. I want pineapple. FEED ME DEVOUR ME

Ghost @kuharido You can get them at the grocery store

Gabriel @gabriel_true Question though. Does she want the pineapple on the pizza?

juwu @jijuwu You guys are not helping at all! Hmpf!

Gabriel @gabriel_true WHO LIVES IN PINEAPPLE UNDER DA SEA? Juwu that's who!

turtwig @turtwigz pineapples go on pizza

Gabriel @gabriel_true Finally someone gets it!

juwu @jijuwu I do not likey pineapplepie on pizza. i like cheese on pizza and white sauce for the crust uwah

Gabriel @gabriel_true All I hear is Juwu is all about the stuffed crust. Only I'm stuffing it with pineapple, mwahahaha!

juwu @jijuwu What about the white sauce!

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Chunky Immouto ❤️