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Bish Lasagna

ICloud, Fiji
Funny how that works... https://i.imgur.com/Y3eA8lD.png
Klaus @p0l left a comment for Bish Lasagna
Oct 21, 19 at 7:52pm
Kara Douglas.
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Bish Lasagna
Oct 20, 19 at 12:48pm
Why are you suprised I use Facebook? Does it surprise you I use Twitter aswell. (∩`ω´)⊃)) https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_137/18z5t7e5cneyajpg.jpg
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku Because people usually use Facebook to connect with people they know in real life hah.Twitter is different.
Ghost @kuharido Oh, I know a lot of people in real life. Maybe I don't seem like I do? (੭•̀ω•́)੭̸*✩⁺˚
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper I suppose that means someone like me who doesn't use Facebook and Twitter has a grim real life social life.
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku You are a typical otaku and introvert who don’t like mainstream social platforms.In fact, I also use Facebook and Twitter to see the world and to talk to a few people
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper Ah, so nothing special!
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku ...typo..”who doesn’t like ...”
Ghost @kuharido I'm sort of an enigma. I have been using mainstream social platforms since I was a kid using the internet for the first time. I would spend time alone in school or work but I'd still socialize and make friends. I have many sides. ┃(・ω┃
Ghost @kuharido (=゚ω゚)つ)゚∀゚)
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku Do you use your real name of social platforms like Facebook? I don’t really use my real name on all platforms including platforms for real-time social networking.
Ghost @kuharido For Facebook I do. On Twitter it's aliases.
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper I am same as Enki. If I did use such platforms I would not use my name anywhere. Still I find that admirable to be able to have many sides and be able to be active in multiple places. Keeping track of here is already hard enough for me (>.>)
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Bish Lasagna
Oct 18, 19 at 7:40pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Bish Lasagna
Oct 17, 19 at 11:03am
What does this mean? https://i.imgur.com/PfUgXzZ.jpg
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku “很好“”= Very good
Ghost @kuharido Saw it on a group a friend invited me to like on Facebook.
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku I am surprised you use Facebook..
Ghost @kuharido Why's that?
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Bish Lasagna
Oct 17, 19 at 9:24am
The incarnation I know best is the one from Rurouni Kenshin. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kenshin/images/c/c8/Okita_soji.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20120806075338
Oct 17, 19 at 1:50am
Imma keep the story short ok. Lord Shiva's first wife Sati. Her dad (Daksha) didn't approve of her marriage to Lord Shiva. So to humiliate him, Daksha held a feast where all gods, saints were invited. Sati wanted to go to there to meet her mom and dad and participate in the feast. Shiva didn't want her to go but he let her go because if her anger. Upon her arrival, she saw that only Shiva was not invited. Feeling bad that her husband was being humiliated, she immolated herself. When Lord Shiva found out, He erupted. Like anything. He cut the throat of Daksha, but upon hearing Daksha's wife's plea. He decided to bring him back to life. But as punishment......... he had to live with the head of a donkey for the rest of his life. . . .. . . . He then started the "Tandav nritya" carrying Sati's lifeless body in his hands. A very destructive dance. With each step, the ground would shatter and calamity would befall the entire universe. (hence he is called the destroyer) Here's where Vishnu comes in. The other gods pleaded Lord Vishnu to stop this disaster. . . . . . . . . . To do this, Vishnu launched his Sudarshan Chakra and cut Sati's body into 51 pieces,which are found scattered across India, Bangladesh, Tibet, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The places where the pieces of her body and/or her ornaments fell are now religious sites. . . Upon realising that her body was gone from his arms, he entered a state of deep meditation. . . . . . . . . By lucky coincidence I just went to one of the shrines today.
frankie @hiretsunaotaku Ow that took a lot of space
frankie @hiretsunaotaku This is what grandma told me. Here's what Wikipedia has to say.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_(Hindu_goddess)
Oct 17, 19 at 1:20am
94? Enki, are you getting younger?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Implying Enki doesnt control time and space as a cosmic being
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku Implying Enki controls her time XD
Ghost @kuharido She sucked the life force out of some people. (・`ω´・)
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Bish Lasagna
Oct 16, 19 at 8:54am
Do you have an anime husbando? https://raikou1.donmai.us/0d/40/__hei_darker_than_black_and_etc_drawn_by_saitou_eiko__0d40e2e4d3db90f9863faeb155a72295.jpg
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku I like Lee! He is super cool! I don’t really have an anime husbando, though I do like many characters such as Okita Souji
Ghost @kuharido Okita Souji from which media
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku Hakuoki and an older anime about Shinsengumi