Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Bananya cats are real!
Post your Cats

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
Post your Cats
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar

Bought my cat a new bed.

Veru @verucassault
left a comment for
Veru @verucassault
All I've been getting is Gorillaz and Blur recommendations since you brought it up lol

Gabriel @gabriel_true Welcome to the Feel Good Inc.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Sorry to hear about the financial difficulty. I'm not entirely sure how to interpret the "someone's gonna die" part outside of a figure of speech. If someone you know is about to pass away it truly is regretful that's happening. Seems many people are experiencing a tragedy in close proximity to each other. I appreciate you letting us know your circumstances and will keep that in mind, Yuu. Please be safe!
Post ur art my dudes.

yuuzora @yuuzora
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
yuuzora @yuuzora

I wrote some music and did some art. I hope it's enough to peak your interest. I desperately need at least 8 more Patrons to survive the year. I mean that literally. Someone's gonna die and I'd rather it just be me at this point. Since I'm the dead weight. I'm the one that cannot support my own life. So I'm doing the last thing I can to make money.

Gabriel @gabriel_true If I may, you mentioned needing 8 Patrons. Since you have tiers, are the 8 in reference to your $5 membership or the $50?

Gabriel @gabriel_true I appreciate your honesty about what you're battling currently. Having come from a family where suicide was normalized through multiple relatives succeeding I don't take such means to an end lightly. I see you mentioned in your profile that you yourself have counseled those battling that condition, so you've no doubt experienced both sides of this dilemma. We both know how cruel and unkind the world we're living in can be. It most certainly isn't fair nor always kind. That said I know we share the same planet. The same plane of existence. We're even of a common age. I don't know exactly what living in your body and mind are and won't try to imagine for fear of belittling your current suffering. All I desire to do is provide a minute respite by offering genuine assistance. Admittedly I don't feel like even if 10 people joined at $50 a month that with the current market it would be very comfortable to live off of. Still I will see what can be done, You. Is there a way to offer more through Patron? I have not used it before, so I am not sure how that system works?

yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah, it really is the only way out unless I start making money from the last things I can do. To make matters worse, my brother, who is supposed to be paying me $30/month to drive him to and from work throughout the week(he also pays $60 in petrol a month), he has lowered his tier on Patron, so now I'm needing 10 more Patrons to make up for what I lost. I'll have to ask him tomorrow why he's stopped paying me the amount I was before. As for how my Patreon works, currently all tiers get stickers on their birthdays and Patron anniversary, early access to my manga and the light novel, and exclusive content and polls I don't post anywhere else. Which includes music and coupons for my online store, where I take requests for. It isn't much, but it's honest work and the only work I'm physically able to do. Especially since I don't have time for another job on top of the several things I already do to make money. Which includes taking care of my mother and driving my siblings and friend to and from work. I make under $200 a month from all sources, which is a pittance compared to how much I need to make in order to save anything to get out of here. Sorry to rant, it's just... it's a lot right now.

Gabriel @gabriel_true I agree that's a small amount to live off of. I would hope that there are some other ways for you to make a living that didn't fully rely on speculative income. Hopefully you are maybe able to do remote work for a company. One that wasn't customer service driven. In any capacity, I will see what I can do to help. Please continue to work towards your goals no matter what challenges you face. You do matter greatly. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me about this, Yuu.

yuuzora @yuuzora Likewise. It isn't often I speak openly about this subject. I already drive 30 hours a week, my other MO friend convinced me I need to start charging my siblings and friends a solid rate for my driving them around. I know they pay the petrol, too, but they're bleeding me dry for everything I do for them comparatively. Even $10/month from all four of them will make a difference. I do have tenacity somewhere in my brain. It's just since the abuse is still so constant now, it warps my brain and I just want to escape. I won't give up... I at least have to get my oldest sister out. She makes wayyy more a month and could make it work for herself. So if only she'd be more selfish and just leave while she can. I keep telling her tiny house living isn't for everyone, anyway, so she could just get a cheap apartment. Anyway! Thank you for listening. It helps to say these things out loud so I can hear how stupid they sound/look in retrospect.

Gabriel @gabriel_true I'm waiting for my tax return to clear. Hopefully it doesn't get delayed. Once it does I'll look into signing up to your Patreon.

yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. I still haven't done my taxes yet. 1099s are a real pain in the arse. And thank you. I could use all the help I can get.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Or better you do get the career and they require a different set of skills than what they asked for or just immediately down size after hiring.

Arc @arc
commented on
Arc @arc
exactly how it is applying for jobs:

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Yo, what? They seriously went with Limp Bizkit for the DMC soundtrack when literal Run DMC was sitting right there! Come on man...missed opportunity!
What Are You Watching Right Now?

jodokon @jodokon
commented on
What Are You Watching Right Now?
jodokon @jodokon
The OP dropped and I am excited but the music is….something I didnt expect.

jodokon @jodokon Fucking agreed, Limb Bizkit was just a kinda weird choice.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
You joke, but I did that literally yesterday while making a run to pick up a trailer for work!

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Aka-san @redhawk

Aka-san @redhawk Its happened to me too no worries XD

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I hate this person and I like Weezer. So they can take those pork and beans and shove it straight up the hash pipe!
However I agree I'm not a fan of any Office whether it's in the UK or the US or at my job site. I personally dislike offices period!
Meme Repost Spam Thread V2

Yuka King @yukachan
commented on
Meme Repost Spam Thread V2
Yuka King @yukachan


Veru @verucassault There was a time when I would ask people if they liked Oasis just so I could crush them with the unbearable weight of my opinion on Oasis and how much I loathed them. It but then I would polished off the turd by saying, "...but it's cool you like them." It wasn't their music. I just really hated the lead singer. LOL

Gabriel @gabriel_true Must be a Blur fan girl of you dislike Oasis.

Veru @verucassault I do like Blur and Gorillaz more than Oasis.

Veru @verucassault XP

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Is that all I am to you? A meme!
Is this site dying?

Yuka King @yukachan
commented on
Is this site dying?
Yuka King @yukachan
I'm here for the memes.

Yuka King @yukachan Naw you're THE BEST COSPLAYER EVER.

Gabriel @gabriel_true I can hear the sarcasm through the screen as you type cause your clearly CAPPING!

Yuka King @yukachan

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I only know of one song called Hypnotized.
♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ♥ Music ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

Veru @verucassault
commented on
♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ♥ Music ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
Veru @verucassault

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I thought they were vomiting for a minute.
The Electronic Sideshow

Veru @verucassault
commented on
The Electronic Sideshow
Veru @verucassault