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exile0025 @exile0025
exile0025 @exile0025
outlaw star,yuyu hakusho,yugioh
dont like mint and breath of the wild
anime,music,video games
i really have no idea
hello,new here

gtechrepublic @gtechrepublic
commented on
hello,new here
gtechrepublic @gtechrepublic
What anime do you like?
What are some things that you don't like or that make you mad?
You have any hobbies?
If you could choose 1 anime to watch for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
hello,new here

exile0025 @exile0025
commented on
hello,new here
exile0025 @exile0025
outlaw star,yuyu hakusho,yugioh
dont like mint and breath of the wild
anime,music,video games
i really have no idea
hello,new here

exile0025 @exile0025
hello,new here
exile0025 @exile0025
hello just got here not really sure how to talk about myself