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Last online over 10 years ago
Nov 11, 13 at 12:23pm
Cool i see kicking ass taking names huh? So does anyone like trash talk you? if not your doing something wrong lol always a trash talker in the game >.>.
Nov 11, 13 at 5:09am
Oh i see then i due apologie lol. Ahh i see the kicking ass taking names mentally haha i do it all the time i guess thats my favorite line as well "Kicking ass and taking names" has a good ring to it :D But theirs alot of sore losers online like i play i win they either quit or they talk trash -_- like when i would play call of duty and i would go 25-0 or 30-2 they would say oh why you camping for you mad wack oh my number reason oh you hacked the game psst no niqqa im just that damn good and your wack how is that my problem like psst dumb people i swear baka to them all >.< people are just really skilled at playing video games.
Nov 10, 13 at 1:37pm
Oh shit haha congratz ^-^ I wish you the best just remember to be yourself no one else look im giving dating advice oh man Dr. Phill here xD well not really but i do have my experience and some are good and some are not so good but you learn from them and you move on c:. How is creed and ghost havent picked up yet hell i havent even play grand theft yet not a big fan i guess im more into like rpg and card games but doesnt mean i dont know about them also fighting games aswell i played hit man and it took forever like theirs so much shit to do in that game psst and i was playing in purist the hardest mode they had it was a ok game not a big fan either. Are you getting the xbox? i maybe get the ps4 it looks good.
Nov 10, 13 at 1:12pm
Wussup dude anything new i know its sunday its rather a blah day lol. And as you know it looks like its gonna rain here like crazy i see the clouds are dark i honestly feel im in a God Of War game x.x with the gods casting down in a weather like this psst i'll take out my katana and fight to the death like i did in the game i destored the gods i like played that game maybe 50 times and beat it never got bored with it i played all of them it was a fun saga to play. I ran out of ramen and the world is ending becuase im all out damn choji ate my god damn ramen baka >.< no worries i'll go to iruka sensei and ask if he can treat me to a bowl of that stuff hahaha so good but in lame trems going to the supermarket and getting some gonna clean the whole shelf because im the god damn batman that why oh brucy oh brucy why so serious whip that smile off your face.
Nov 10, 13 at 7:50am
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Devry @devry left a comment for cybernako
Nov 08, 13 at 10:36pm
lol x3
Siren @haruka34 left a comment for cybernako
Nov 08, 13 at 12:56pm
He probably going to brake it
Siren @haruka34 left a comment for cybernako
Nov 08, 13 at 11:37am