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Last online about 5 years ago
Hello Waifu Today is a special day and although it hasn't hit midnight where I am, it has where you are. So all I can say now is.. https://media.giphy.com/media/jxTnOS8Mkv8n6/giphy.gif We made it past your two month barrier assuming things wouldn't work and I'd say that things have progressed beautifully. https://66.media.tumblr.com/647938b1ea159328b6c570c6910311c0/tumblr_nqv127PQ551uxvvvzo1_500.gif I really do wish I could be there to celebrate with you but I hope that everything you got from me is enough to help ease the passing of time until I can be there to celebrate with you in person. https://67.media.tumblr.com/4aae2646aff512b4e7145220c0f19fef/tumblr_nr3b61DPKu1tqn5v2o6_500.gif In addition to that, I hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow and that anything I can do to make your special day better is able to happen. http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y483/tsuyoi_hikari/Anime/LoveHug_zpsd1f478a6.gif I'm thinking I'll be able to, but anyways, Happy birthday, Waifu. Love you. http://i.myniceprofile.com/1401/140141.gif
You make it seem like we don't talk waifu. My weekend has been busy and kind of fun I guess? You should be playing your fallout right now. :) but either way, we'll talk soon. http://www.lovethisgif.com/uploaded_images/65812-Tutorial-Acess-rio-Chave-De-Ouro-Esp-rito-Estelar-De-C-ncer..gif
‍Animekid @animekid My gf loves to play fallout too XD
Daggera @daggera Killing people is fun. <3
https://media.giphy.com/media/zqg9QNFbbtkqY/giphy.gif thank you senpai
hey buddy dont steal my coffee why dont you have some have some sweet toffee dont steal my warm mug you silly little thug you must be feeling brave but i will put you in your grave please know that i love you but the coffee is true why not have some nice tea instead and maybe i wont put a gun against your head why would you make me cry i dont want to end you end your life i will cut you with a knife making you a cup of fresh jo would have been just fine but you stole my cup now i cant let you stand up why would you cause me so much pain coffee is the only thing that keeps me sane (i would like that senpai the song/poem is called dont steal my coffee its not finished but here you go
I dont have art how ever i got a creative writting thing that is not finished if.you wanna see
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Aug 20, 16 at 2:41pm
Without proof you say? https://media.giphy.com/media/87f27TUxOTt3a/giphy.gif Very well then, I shall give you the proof that shows how you're nothing but a mere puppet! To anyone that isn't fully paying attention, it'll look as if you truly are the master here. But there has been something that's out of place for your claim as the true master. And that is your name! Currently your name reads "Daggera Tied To Freedom", and I have been wondering why someone like you would be tied to Freedom. Someone like you wouldn't allow herself to be tied to anyone! It would be the other way around. So this proves that Freedom has you tied to him and he does as he pleases with you as a puppet. You enjoy your role so much. You believe it to be true so hard. That you can't even see that your own name gives it all away to what you really are. You are simply just bound to him tightly by the puppet strings he tied you with. And I applaud Freedom for his mastery of puppet control. You're constant attempts at trying to show that you are the real master is just another act that Freedom set up for you. And no matter what, you will not cut those strings. For you don't want to be untied from him. You don't want to lose the connection that keeps you two together. And would you truly cut those strings just to prove a point to me? So in the end, you'll continue to be just a puppet that doesn't want to lose it's strings. Living in that dream world where you believe your role as the only truth that matters. A world that you never want to leave because you know that you can never handle the truth of being a puppet. And there you have it, my proof. http://67.media.tumblr.com/354017786ca001fda9cfb007b9cdaaa9/tumblr_mui0fkd7uk1rebyvuo1_500.gif
hoodedfang @hoodedfang I was going to give a second one but I felt this was long enough. XD
hoodedfang @hoodedfang I've been waiting for a chance to bring up your name as well. XD
http://pre07.deviantart.net/ab89/th/pre/i/2010/283/9/0/kuroshitsuji__ciel_phantomhive_by_sakiree-d30h1kr.jpg whats with the (&lt;_&lt;) i just asked a question oh undertaker thank you &lt;3 apart from relaxing what you up to :3
http://img14.deviantart.net/31df/i/2010/029/c/6/mgs3_final_battle_by_niceler.jpg im great im catching up with some gaming because i have the weekend off you got anything excited planned this weekend ^_^
http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/7/78539/2808842-2748678989-Lulu..png need a good jolt senpai jk jk how are you ^_^
panda @death543 left a comment for Daggera
Aug 20, 16 at 5:05am
Hey hey hey......you ok....I see fang is giving you a hard time.......you want me to teach him a lesson......you know I can do that.....I don't like seeing people giving my friends a hard time......I'll be back right after......I show him why he shouldn't mess with my comrades.....I'm gonna teach him the true meaning of pain........ https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b1/b3/64/b1b36460e555ae4cfac877817cbdeeff.gif