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Last online about 5 years ago
http://24.media.tumblr.com/e1c793127d488cdaafcc0b9810761e40/tumblr_mq7hegv2Kd1sn8j66o2_250.gif of course i deel that way but i disagree with your statement about me being the kinder friend but im not gonna argue with you but we were both there for eachother when we needed someone the most so we helped each other equally no one did more than the other okay ^_^
cuzaku @cuzaku left a comment for Daggera
Jul 30, 16 at 10:37am
And I love it too aswell as Naruto Shippuden o: and don't worry i've already told him :p the world is full of weirdos and most of them are on this site xD https://media.giphy.com/media/WMTMSdaaqlRLi/giphy.gif
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Jul 30, 16 at 10:30am
Oh, snap! I got smacked in my sleep! No fair! http://67.media.tumblr.com/cffed448d486b89abb390d98685551c2/tumblr_o2bopcTE6J1s0i268o5_400.gif http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/kirk2.gif
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Jul 30, 16 at 9:56am
So, I don't recall where we were at last night, but my last memory is that I wad running away, so I'm assuming I escaped! :P https://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1367285816_2832137_o.gif
https://66.media.tumblr.com/ba9bef21c031e68f33e3951918af0051/tumblr_mr6bo3kvJF1s9g6xgo1_500.gif here goes please dont go tsundere you are one of my closest friends on this site and you are an awesome gamer who intoduced me to alot things your a talented artist and creative writer which is super you also enjoy the dark things in life abd have a great taste in horror gore movies you go out your way to make people hapoy i remember near the end of last year i was down and you went out yiur way to pretend to be one of my favourite anime characters just to cheer me up so thank you again i will always cherish that memory vecayse you were there when no one else was thank you also we clash from time to time because of our tsundere sides but yeah i wouldnt change it for anything what im trying to say is i value and cherish our friendship so tgank you daggera ^_^
Jul 30, 16 at 2:55am
Exactly Daggera:) I'll talk to you another day. It was good talking to you^.^
Thanks for the links. Omg I would spend so much money on those things ^_^
Daggera @daggera Me too, when I start making them for Freedom...#<.<#
Fiiinnnee>.&lt; yeah LDRs are so hard because of the distance and lack of physical affection. It's good to know you two are good^.^
Daggera pls >///> http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/010/809/happy-oh-stop-it-you.jpg True, true. Speaking of you two, how are yall?(no trying to spill your private matter into the open)