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32 year old Male
Last online over 1 year ago
Taastrup, Denmark
Feb 17, 15 at 9:58am
Haruu @haruu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 30, 15 at 9:46pm
Lol fk off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Haruu @haruu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 17, 15 at 11:21pm
The cake was good.. kinda. Lol but that's good you got cake.
WolfKat @kirokun left a comment for blackmage
Jan 17, 15 at 2:03am
It was pretty good...I'm still waiting for my ultimate x-mas present from my friend...$300 towards a new guitar ^+^ can't wait...My new years was pretty blah but plenty more to come!
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 15, 15 at 7:34am
Is it in english? If yes i would love to take a look at it if you don't mind. and isn't it hard to just write monologues of a twisted mind that are that interesting and entertaining for the reader? i mean, i wrote/write a lot of conversations between the protagonist and her alter ego that are pretty philosophic and kind of weird sometimes..and it's often hard to keep track of what i am writing when i'm in the "flow", you know? do you have the same problem? (i guess having a writer's block is the worse alternative so i am happy to have to deal with this bagetelle^^) hmm well first of all i dont like the style of the anime, but i watched a lot of animes that were worse when it came to that. i mean, i hated the drawing style of madoka magica before i realized that it perfectly fit the series. i guess its probably because i have a really hard time motivating myself to watch deep/psychological stuff. i love those kind of animes, but i also have to be in the mood for that you know D: i like how you say they are time consuming and probably a no go but still tell me the names of the vn's - what an evil genius move xD will take a look at them when i have to time to :) aswell as nge, elfen lied, death note, wolfs rain, akira and so on.. there are so many classics that are, in my opinion, a must watch for everyone before he can actually rate other animes like sao or other hyped shit. hehe what music do you listen to normally?
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 11, 15 at 7:46am
Jesus christ i just wrote a fucking BOOK in here and my browser decided to shut down iofhewighfworih. fuck my life. sooo lets start again: i like the idea even tho its really vague. my story also evolves around the psyche of a young woman that has to deal with a lot of shit. my story takes place in an alternate japan that lost the third world war to america. you could say its a postapocalyptic setting. the protagonist (just gonna call her "a" now) is accused of having bloodily murdered her parents when she was pretty young (sound stupid but its explained in the book i just dont have the patience to write it here especially after i already wrote the whole fucking summary in here before my browser crashed) and gets shunned by the other villagers, or more than that : hated and despised. since the bloody incident, that she herself cant remember and nothing that happened before that, a has a divided personality (that helps her deal with the fucked up shit that happened to her in the past, which is later explained in the story *spoiler*:D). the story itself evolves around a's quest of exploring the mysteries behind that incident and getting to know who she really is, despite all the hate and mistrust she gains from the people she used to live with in that village(that she leaves at the beginning of the book). furthermore she meets some people that do like her and change her self-perception. oh and theres some lesbian action in the book haha :D its reaaaally psychological and even tho there is a lot happening outside of the protagonists mind, most of the story develops inside her mind. *prays that firefox does not crash now* yeah is tarted higurashi but it just didnt click between the anime and me : / even tho the genres and the story are exactly my preferences but well.. i dont know. >.< ..eeeew one piece xD go away shounen-lover! jk, i loved fma for example. both series. i loved the movie, it was really touching <3 cried like a bitch at the last scene q.q the music fits the movie, i like it :)
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 08, 15 at 1:54pm
Oh nice - what kind of story? I am writing one myself and am pretty proud of how it develops at the moment :) actually it's a whole book. i am also a wannabe poet haha :D it's just such a good valve for chaotic thoughts and feelings that are hard to express or deal with otherwise. my all time favorite is madoka magica. most disturbing and depressing anime ive ever seen - but its so damn goooood. couldnt stop thinking about the meaning of this masterpiece months after i finished it^^ other anime i like are wolfs rain, nge, another, psycho-pass 1&2, zankyou no terror, attack on titan, elfen lied.. and so on. so in general psychological and drama anime with nice character developement :) ohhh and yuri/shoujo ai ofc. :3 i would love to watch the amv when its finished :) i tried to do stuff like that too but i am, as mentioned, not the patient type of girl so i stopped halfway through xD which song and anime do you use for the vid ? ..ehehe.. i deinstalled it a few days ago since it sucked way too much freetime. i'll tell you when im going to play again, guess i will try my luck again in the next season - need to get to plat ._.'
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 08, 15 at 7:38am
goddammit im too tired. i meant - you dont really use hiragana and katakana :D and use kanji way more ofc.
getjinxed @getjinxed left a comment for blackmage
Jan 08, 15 at 7:27am
Yeah i starded off with hiragana and katakana - pretty easy to learn if you ask me :) unfortunately you dont really use kanji waaaaay more than anything else, so dont get your hopes up if you think hiragana and katakana are easy to learn.. kanji is definitely not. ^^' well, i do watch animes (who wouldve guessed) and normal series a lot.. atleast i used to. the new seasons do mostly suck unfortunately and most of the series like game of throwns and the walking dead have winter break. i do creative writing (just in german tho ~ best language for that kind of stuff :)<3), read, play videogames and go out with friends a lot. and you?
Happy Birthday :)