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33 year old Male
Last online about 4 years ago
Woah, 5 star chef over here. Is that your only noodle recipe?0.0
Erica-chan @daadaadaa left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 10, 16 at 11:59am
thanks Azuuu !! XD XD my doctors say i cant talk to Ringo chan yet coz shes my thinspiration i need to get more healthier and stronger first physically and mentally !! so huhu i cant say hello to her yet maybe next few weeks ?? wiht Sunbae its different i need to send him something else not sweet nothings i want to send him poison dyou know where i can buy one now ?? ahahahah JK JK
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 08, 16 at 2:00am
Oh, man. I've always had trust issues, especially when people I thought are trustworthy lie to me about NUDIBRANCHS and FLATWORMS! Those are my triggers, Azuma. Don't ever forget that! I'm kidding. Probably... http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/sss.gif You know what would have been so awkward? If I went full-on poser and said, "Oh my gosh! That Spanish Dancer is amazing! I know, I see those every day! That's how they look like EXACTLY!" Haha! :D Curious question: What would you have done if I said that, haha? I'm curious now knowing that you deliberately tricked me and made me skim through 1000+ pages of a species ID book! It would have been so awkward, I'm sure! >_< My immense drive and being stubborn to actually find out what that flatworm species is was not your fault, but my intellectual curiosity always gets the better of me and distracts me from more important things in life! :P
Maya @maydragon left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 07, 16 at 2:06pm
I'm really happy that you exist in the world and in my life. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fbUaj_a7X0g/UyzSLcHhufI/AAAAAAAABRU/Xs6dBJkz4Fw/s1600/happy+tears.gif
azumakazuma @azumakazuma *Oofh* Right in the kokoro
I have to admit, I was very confused as a kid. I lived on the island of Kauai. I had a hard time when I tried googling things about the island because google kept trying to correct it to "Kawaii". I was bad at spelling at the time, and since I knew "Hawaii" was right, I assumed the correct spelling for my island was "Kawaii". This mistake is probably resulted in my love for anime. Google tricked me.
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman You lived in Hawaii too?
azumakazuma @azumakazuma Well, yeah! I told you this ^.^ Our private messages aren't even long enough to hide it.
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman I'm sorry, I unintentionally forget or mix and match people's life >.<
Maya @maydragon Internet is a scary place.
I just got back from food shopping and now going to have a cup of tea and eat the cupcakes me and my kids made ^_^
I'm good thanks. How are you? :)
Hello ^_^ https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/enhanced/webdr06/2013/6/17/16/anigif_enhanced-buzz-25856-1371499531-0_preview.gif
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 06, 16 at 6:27am
No worries, I understand completely how life takes over our MO time. No pressure to respond soon or ever, actually! I just have a really weird compulsion to respond to and/or acknowledge any wall post because I don't want to be impolite! >_&lt; It's weird, sorry! Wow, that was really smart! YOU TRICKED ME! That's why I have never found it in my species ID book even after two days! That is pretty wicked of you, haha! Marine invertebrates are not really my specialty. Give me corals, fish, and marine mammals any day and you have yourself a competition. I can't even differentiate between sea slugs and flatworms for the most part! :D I haven't heard if the Zubi before, which is a shame. It has such a GLORIOUS name! >_&lt;
A friend just shared his secret to finding a good sushi place. It was a little racist, but probably effective. "Look at their advertisements, signs and menues for grammar. If you see bad grammar, that place is authentic"