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ash_nerdstar12 @ash_nerdstar12
ash_nerdstar12 @ash_nerdstar12
Thank you!

ash_nerdstar12 @ash_nerdstar12
ash_nerdstar12 @ash_nerdstar12
: Hey I am new ☺️! Anyone wanna talk you can message me!
New Here

ash_nerdstar12 @ash_nerdstar12
New Here
ash_nerdstar12 @ash_nerdstar12
Hey! My name is Ashley. I am from Michigan! I decided to get on this site to make friends. Anime fan. Like reading manga too sometimes. If I told you how old I was you wouldn't believe me! I like sports, music movies, amusement parks, go karts, video games, art and other cool stuff.
If you want to ask me anything or chat message me ☺️!