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Ugh so stressed preparing for DragonCon
Baka @reinhardt76 Don’t go anywhere with any dragons you don’t know
‍Animekid @animekid XD duly noted
marenette @marenette left a comment for ‍Animekid
Aug 26, 19 at 7:34am
Hey what's up dude
‍Animekid @animekid Not much. Just woke up
Aug 23, 19 at 1:31am
Welcome to my small circle of friends. Very small.
‍Animekid @animekid Awww thank you ^w^ It's nice to be here and I'm sure it will grow eventually. It just takes a little bit of time
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Yeah. You were a member before I came to mo over a year ago I believe, but I also disappeared a year ago from mo. So I didn't give much time to make many friends on here.
‍Animekid @animekid Yeah it's hard to believe it but I think I've been here about 5 or 6 years now though for around the last two or two and a half years I haven't been on here too much. I don't really recognize you but then again I haven't been here too much and you said that you kind of disappeared as well so that's not too surprising lol.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Yeah. I don't think we ever talked to each other before I disappeared. I do recall seeing a lot of you on the forums when I joined mo.
‍Animekid @animekid Yeah ^//^; there was a time when I was one of the most active members here and most definitely one of the most active Forum members. That feels like so long ago. We probably didn't really speak. I can be very talkative but despite how I am I seeing I'm also rather shy and awkward when it comes to making contact with someone new. I'm never really sure what to say and if I'm interested in talking to the person then I'm even less certain what I should say so I usually don't end up talking to anybody I don't already know unless I strike up a conversation with them randomly in a public chat or there's something that I'm worried about with the person so I have a very easy and clear reason to message them.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya I usually get pass that by my curiosity alone. If I want to be friends with the person I usually make the first move most of the time. I Frickin bite at socializing and keeping conversation unfortunately.
‍Animekid @animekid I'm usually worried and unsure of what to say past the initial hello if I'm the one starting the conversation which is why I rarely start one. I know what you mean about sucking at socializing but you're doing a pretty good job so far at least in my opinion ^ ^
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Wait until I run out of something to say. Then it becomes a challenge with me trying to think of words to say. I've had several moments where my brain draws up blank thinking of a topic to keep going.
‍Animekid @animekid Haha I can sort of be the same way but I end up spouting random nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with a conversation like asking if you have been a good human being today and slap your doctor across the face with a giant Nigerian pickle despite the fact that even I have no freaking idea what that is supposed to mean.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Lol. Randomness does keep up an amusing confusion. I'm random at times too. Though not a slap with pickle randomness.
‍Animekid @animekid Yeah I tend weird people out sometimes with that kind of stuff often. But at least I'm able to make them laugh even if it's in a very cringy way x3
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya I have a best friend who is basically randomness. She would post or say a lot of random stuff. She can really get into gaming and anime topics though. I'm just on occasion random when I feel like it.
‍Animekid @animekid Oof I'm very sorry for you then bc it sounds like you've met a male version of your friend then lol.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Lol. Maybe you will eventually become little brother like she is little sister to me. Took around a decade though to love her enough as a little sister figure.
‍Animekid @animekid I'll probably drive you crazy before that point lol. I make poor panda die inside everytime I speak to him on here xD
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Why on Earth you killing my bro panda for? Especially, how are you internally killing him?
‍Animekid @animekid Because kid is kid. That random ununderstandable concept that can only be understood if you understand it. Also I make people produce facepalm actions regularly. Actually the worst part of it is when I end up hardcore cock blocking him left and right completely unintentionally when all I meant was a little tease and it turns out whoever he ends up talking to is super sensitive and get scared away and then I feel bad
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya .....blocking can be emotionally hurtful if you're friends with that person. I usually just change topics out of random. We're on one topic theny mind goes to a different topic and I blurt it out. Leaves confusion.
‍Animekid @animekid XD well it's more like he's talking with a girl and I say something that is low-level teasing then I find out that he was actually trying to get with that girl and apparently my little bit of teasing scared of the girl away from him and I'm like damn that wasn't what I meant to do I change topics randomly but I also ramble on a lot so it's easy never to finish a topic sometimes
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya If the girl scares away that easily then she most definitely doesn't have the backbone to handle the bad that also comes with the relationship if she did say yes to him.
‍Animekid @animekid I know right? It was never anything more than a light prodding or bringing up a slightly embarrassing moment involving panda yet time and time again I owed always hear dude stop fucking cock blocking me lol
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya O.o well....he needs a stronger girl that can handle jokes and reality. Though Neko did freak me out with his intense joking when I met him.
‍Animekid @animekid Yes he can definitely push the envelope without realizing it. It's awesome that you should see how he trolls girls who try to do sex role play with him. It's just amazing
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Wow. Guess that's a fetish of his. I didn't even know their were people on here who would do role plays like that. Most members on here seem do mild mannered. Except for a few guys I see posting a few adult related stuff.
‍Animekid @animekid I don't know if it was on here or not but he told me about how some girls would try to hit him up and ask him if he wanted to pet your pussy and then he acted all surprised and happy sang he loves cats then they would say something like it's not bald or whatever and it's kind of Harry and he would say I love long-haired cats or some shit like that and it's just hilarious to read. He gave me some examples and I was laughing my ass off. I mean he made it dumblonde level even though it was obvious as fuck what they were after and it just made it all the more hilarious
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Oh. I was 22 when I was educated on the slang term of pussy. So I can understand his confusion. I really like cats so I probably would make the same mistake. Poor guy. Innocence of the mind can definitely blind ya to the more vulgar sayings of people.
‍Animekid @animekid I'm thinking that we are either talking about a different panda on here or he has really hidden part of himself from you. He told me that he was trolling these girls and he knew exactly what they were talking about. Panda isn't one of the dirtiest people here but he definitely is not innocent, well he's very innocent IRL from what I've seen him admit or at least as of around a year ago but aside from that he's not innocent at all XD I can relate with you though on the whole pussy thing. I only learned about a year ago what thot was supposed to mean
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya O.o I never saw the dirty side of panda at all. So knowing this is a surprise. So little bro panda is physically innocent but mentally dirty
‍Animekid @animekid Oh hell yeah......his mind is really dirty lol. We used to make dirty jokes all over the place all the time lol
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya OMG! Oneust have some dirty fun in a way. XD I usually don't understand jokes cuz I either don't get it or find it funny.
‍Animekid @animekid I like making dirty jokes all the time and I love them in anime because people always overreact to them. That's a good bit of the reason why I enjoy dirty anime because people overreact insanely to small things like catching their friend who they know would never peep on them on purpose accidentally peeping on them or being thrown in by their jealous friends and then they beat the shit out of the dude anyway and then apologized saying they knew he's not the type to do it XD
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya I never did like that overly aggressive character when the other character was not doing anything wrong. I never found the humor in something that unjustifiable action. I enjoy comedy scenes that can make me laugh though. Something like servamp, Inuyasha, black clover, that sort of comedy.
‍Animekid @animekid I enjoy all kinds of Comedy, that's just one of the things that I like. Inuyasha is awesome. It's sad that they rushed the final Arc part but it's better than nothing. It was pretty bad that I was able to tell that it was rushed though. I haven't read the Manga and I looked up online because it just felt off and then I saw other people who did read it and said that it was rushed. One of the things at felt weird to me was it used to be that a battle could last two episodes sometimes and then suddenly they would cram two battles into one episode
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Dragonball crammed one power up in three episodes. Regardless, I never read the manga so I couldn't tell it was rushed. I'm bad at noticing those kinds of things. What I did notice is the entire anime Inuyasha could never let go of kikyo. Everytime she showed it was "kikyo don't go!" Kind of act. Then when kikyo finally died off for real he rebounded to Kagome. He treated Kagome like the side girl. I didn't like that at all. I didn't feel like he really did love her, and if kikyo did come back Kagome would just be tossed to the side.
‍Animekid @animekid I'm usually really bad with noticing that stuff as well which was a testament to how badly they were really rushing things to the fact that I could notice it. If you haven't seen the season called the Final Act which came out a handful of years after the initial series ended then give it a look and you might notice it as well. As undesirable as that was I think it had some real is into it. Don't get me wrong like I said he was being dumb as fuck because he was risking losing both girls by doing that but sometimes someone you really love or your first love is someone you really can't get over no matter how badly you want to. Of course there's something to be said for having someone right in your arms and being stupid enough to chase someone who still fucking hates your guts. I don't think she was a side girl that him but he definitely didn't treat her the best whenever Kikyo was around.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya I think Kagome did become his side girl. Like I said, in final act when kikyo finally disappeared for good was when Inuyasha decided to take Kagome. I don't think he wanted to be lonely honestly. If kikyo was once again revived he would go through those emotions all over again and treat poor jagone like a side girl again while chasing kikyo. If the writer did want to portray Inuyasha in love with Kagome then it should have been done in a different way. Like showing Inuyasha finally moved on while kikyo was still around with him forgiving kikyo but proving his last be to Kagome. Not always screaming out to kikyo with that sad demeanor. I probably see this differently but this is just how I viewed it.
‍Animekid @animekid Hey that's perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with interpreting things in a different way. I mean there's a number of ways it could be viewed such as his terrible way of handling things could be attributed to the Medieval Era and the way men and women treated each other and all of that versus the timeline with Kagome and all that or it could be view the way you viewed it or any number of ways. Another thing to remember is that he never really got much of a chance to sort out his feelings with Kikyo that I remember. I mean she and her were separated by Death through a misunderstanding which caused her to hate him practically the entire series when she came back so they never even had a chance to sit down and talk things out. They did figure things out eventually despite all of that but they never had the time to really sort their feelings out in a proper manner so in a way it's understandable that he was kind of fucked up in that sense. Once again even though it's understandable doesn't necessarily mean it's acceptable but it makes a lot more sense when you think about it that way.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Another good reason why the author should have taken a different route to portray the moving on and love for Kagome, but to each their own writing. I write stories to where I sometimes have to change it cuz later on I thought of a batter way to portray it.
‍Animekid @animekid Yeah that's true. At least they sorted things out one way or another. If nothing else aside from that fact they gave us a good ride of a show don't you think?
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya They did. most of the time I stick with anime cuz the plot keeps me interested. There are a few animes that I do watch that has no plot, but in the end great plots and characters with likeable personalities keeps my interest. I literally stopped watching an anime at episode three cuz the main female was a vindictive, dominate, brat who only wanted the guy for status. I hate those kind of of characters.
‍Animekid @animekid Yeah that's why I watch anime, for the plot. That's what gets me interested the most. I enjoy other things as well but it doesn't have a good plot or the humor isn't really good then I don't really care to watch it. I enjoyed dirty stuff but I don't just wash it because it's dirty, it has to either be funny or have a good plot as well
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Reason why I try to come up with good plots in my stories. It does take a lot of think I my and reasons why it happened. Plus ways to keep it from being so see through. Easy to figure out plots can be very boring as well.
‍Animekid @animekid That's why I think it's really amazing and takes a lot of skill to be an author. It's really easy to come up with a good concept but it's difficult to flush it out and keep it going. Anybody can come up with a good idea but making it into an actual story is where things get really difficult.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya It is! I have hAd the writing talent since I was a child. My first character was a cat actually when I was a kid.
‍Animekid @animekid I'm glad to hear that you've continued to nurture that Talent over the years
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya I just need to get the money and find a place to publish. Stuff like that. I also need to learn how to properly copywriter my stuff to keep it from being stolen. No copywrite stamp. No legal way to sue thieves.
‍Animekid @animekid yeah those are always some of the more difficult things to figure out even if you are like a triple a publisher with your skill level. You definitely want copyright protection because people steal everything nowadays
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya I read up on that. Too bad we live in a world of thieves. Humanity has problems. I make mistakes too. They're just not really bad, life changing ones fortunately.
https://66.media.tumblr.com/e2405db58e1d4b14ce40796b957ae5cb/tumblr_movicj8wJb1rzb0c5o1_500.gif Don't read too much into this...it's not like I like you or anything. >///>
‍Animekid @animekid Cute baka haha
‍Animekid @animekid *cough* tsundere *cough, snuggles*
doctorchurchie @doctorchurchie I have no idea what you're talking about. ;P
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for ‍Animekid
May 01, 19 at 1:22pm
This account has been suspended.
‍Animekid @animekid Lol that's cute
thank you for accepting it!!
‍Animekid @animekid You're more then welcome x3
*pokes your face* :3
P.S: I nearly shit my pants when submitting a comment, I tab out just in case I get banned. Ego must stay intact! *disappears*
I gotta make food now. *Goku instant transmission*
Here's a spongebob. N word
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