dspranne @dspranne
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dspranne @dspranne
Hey there, I'm in Netherlands too. I want to meet more and more people like me who watch and love anime. I have watched more than 150 anime now. I hope that's okay. May I know more about you.

inugami7 @inugami7
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inugami7 @inugami7
you sound interesting, what kind of videos are you editing ?

zaneinzane @zaneinzane
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zaneinzane @zaneinzane
Heyy Amu na alles klar bei dir :)? Würde mich freuen mal von dir zu hören :)

PrinceEros @rick94
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PrinceEros @rick94
Hey :) Was geht so bei dir? Vllt. kann man sich ja über ein paar Anime/Manga unterhalten

PrinceEros @rick94
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PrinceEros @rick94
Hey, how are you doing? :)

akamer @akamer
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akamer @akamer
Hey you seem cool would like to get to know you better! ^^

giromino @giromino
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giromino @giromino
Hello there!!

shoukoram @shoukoram
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shoukoram @shoukoram
Hi, your hobbys and anime selection are really interesting. Would like to know more about you

rias_chi @rias_chi
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rias_chi @rias_chi
( ˘ω˘ ) Ohayō watashi wa Rias-Chi ( ˘ω˘ )

hasenmann @hasenmann
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hasenmann @hasenmann
Hi, kann man irgendwo deine Zeichnungen sehen? Und videoediting machst du auch? Hast du vielleicht ein YouTube Kanal? Coole animeliste, da konnt ich einiges übernehmen