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One Punch Gainz

Dec 20, 23 at 10:13am
I went to the gym yesterday for the first time after a year of not going. I just didn't feel the need to go because I was happy with myself. And I still am but I feel that I can be better. The weight that was normal to lift for me a year ago, is now difficult as heck XD and I almost died cuz no one was around to spot me but someone saw me and came to my rescue XDDD my arms are completely fucked today but I'm gonna go again. This was my gym owners reaction to seeing me again https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735517722623868999/1187065198859800778/image0.jpg
Dec 20, 23 at 12:45pm
@amir_bahram Lol, I feel that. I’ve hurt myself thinking I could lift the weight I used to after not having lifted in a while. No shame in starting small and working your way back up especially because of potential injury. Muscle memory is amazing too, if you stick with it you’ll get your gainz back relatively quick (^^)b. Best of luck to you!
Hell yeah LETS GO! I hadn’t seen this thread until it started getting some recent posts. Was gonna make a gym thread but the heroes were already here.
Dec 21, 23 at 10:06am
This thread has been quiet but New Years **is** right around the corner.
https://youtube.com/shorts/YBSH20vEF4c?feature=shared I don’t know if anyone has seen this guy but just another perfect reason to exercise by doing something you enjoy! Check out 70 days later of consistency..
Push it to the limit! You get the anime struggle sound effects for free lol..
https://youtu.be/bggqwY4Huyg?si=mLqiJTadWsRPt8uf Workout song sharing too please
Please torture yourselves with me today (Sub snatch for air squats or lunges 10-15 reps if you have no dumbbell) Every 4 minutes: 8 push-ups 8 alt-db snatch 300m run 8 alt-db snatch 8 push ups x4 sets Merry Christmas:)
Friendly reminder to MOVE YOUR BODY!! The descent into madness can be excruciatingly fun.
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