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What are Awards?

Dec 02, 21 at 8:32am
Dec 31, 21 at 8:52am
I would like to give out more awards. I think I've only given like 3 or 4. I think a great suggestion would be for every year you've been a member you should get a multiplier applied to your hearts. That way I can give more awards out to people who make me laugh over something.
If it involves making someone laugh then I'm sunk. I have an odd sense of humor that is usually hibernating. These hearts don't seem to play any significant role. It just are there for being there.
Dec 31, 21 at 9:12am
You can give or get an award for anything. It's just how I choose to use them. I think it's the only thing you can do with your hearts. I remember the days when there were no hearts and then the days that followed where you had hearts, but nothing to do with them. I think they are good. Liking something by giving someone a heart is okay, but sometimes a person deserves more recognition.
Yeah, now give me my just rewards will ya! I deserve nothing less than dis pear!
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