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Why are you single?

Feb 09, 24 at 4:02am
i know how that feels, it's so hard to meet that special someone, that's why I'm on this website
Feb 09, 24 at 5:12am
Almost 1 year later it's still valid for the most part. I've been trying to improve myself in some aspects but mainly to feel better about myself and not thinking about dating. Work schedule has slightly improved. Working on my image too. Again, only to feel better about myself. I'm not actually "putting myself out there" to dating and I'm aware things don't happen by magic. I have so much going on with my life right now. But if it happens, it happens.
Feb 09, 24 at 12:36pm
If ya think about it, we give most of our lives/time to sleep, work or school. Meanwhile its just nice to say "hey im gonna enjoy the game or play some games". I want/expect too much out of a relationship so its best to stay single
Well for me it’s been on an off since 2019…I met well long story short I met a wonderful handsome guy off this app. We didn’t meet that way I wish we could but after weeks we fell for each other….its very hard for me to say “ I love you” in person I feel so weak (childhood trauma)where I wasn’t able to me emotional without being disciplined . Years of being on and off I kept getting dark thoughts and about him leaving me to where it happened. I still love this guy soo much and stay looking at our memories but I wish he would understand how I felt before moving on. Is that selfish?
@otaku_nerd215 Hey bud, just wanna say some crap, and hopefully brighten things up a bit. Apologies in advance if this doesn't help at all. But yes, we at MO are here for ya There's a lot of fear and confusion in the air. I wouldn't call it selfishness. Expecting someone to understand you without telling them anything is one thing, but... being afraid is natural, especially when trauma is involved. And well, right now, the fact that you are confronting the problem shows us, that you are ready, and willing to grow. If that's not strength, I don't know what is. Furthermore, you love this man, and like I said, I know it's hard to say how you feel, but take your time, even if it means you gotta beat aroumd the bish a bit. You have so much of that time too. Put it to use. I know you can, you're a strong person and only getting stronger. And don't worry, if you run out of that time and the world is about to end... I'm sure someone would let us know.
Feb 10, 24 at 12:15pm
Don't hurt yourself through rumination... Been there. Some ends will never be tied up and that's ok. It's ok to grieve a loss, heart ache is one of the worst pains in life in my opinion. Just don't dwell and be the best you that you can.
Feb 10, 24 at 4:18pm
Id say a big part of it is that I overthink myself out of every social situation so I've got very little social experience around new people and tend to come off awkward (I assume).
Took tests online cause idk what really to type here...
I don't connect well with the people in my area. I'm not into weed culture, the grind mindset or the american dream. I like the idea of seeing my partner more than just in between highs and work. I like the idea of goofing off, sharing hobbies and finding adventure more than worrying about work and bills. Kids and a house are fine aspirations but the responsibilities that come with that limit a person's future, I'm not looking to spend my youth in that way. In that way I come off as immature and irresponsible even though that isn't the case. Then I don't really know how to make a long distance relationship work. I don't drive and I don't want to move out of state again. The last time I gave up a stable living situation for what turned out to be their mom's place with no intention of ever moving out. So I won't be doing that again.
I'm single right now because I refuse to lower my standards or do LDRs. I want someone who makes my heart race and does more than the bare minimum.
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