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Biggest turn offs?

Jan 27, 24 at 10:41pm
Chest hair on a wahman.
"Sorry I hate anime/games/vocaloid/etc." Then I ask you to leave and never return hoe.
Those who look down their noses at your hobbies and interests, or for liking a particular thing. And creepy messages. I just met you, my dude. No, I don’t want to see your pickle.
Jan 28, 24 at 1:23pm
Playing League, cs Go/Valorent willingly.
I finally drank the Kool aid. I installed Linux. When I saw the ram usage, I instantly got wet. No bloat, ram usage was practically non existent. But then I noticed that touchscreen wasn't working. I instantly got flaccid. After some research, I found that I had to configure coordinate transformation matrix. What a pain in the ass. I really don't like doing this autistic shit over things that should just work. https://media1.tenor.com/m/bMF2vEGS_GoAAAAC/anime-annoyed.gif
rude people in general. who put you on the planet, uh?
just people that don't know how to communicate an rather distance themselves / isolate from whatever is going on leaving me in the dark that shit stresses me out i think if you're with someone you should share eachothers troubles and happiness if you're planning to be together longterm
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